Teacher Evaluation

Performance Review Process

The Lake Shore Board of Education has formally adopted the Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson to evaluate teachers (Regular Board Meeting; March 27, 2017). The Framework for Teaching is one of the recommended tools by the Michigan Department of Education for assessing educator effectiveness.   

Documents & Forms

Classroom Observation Form (Teacher)
Observation Form (Counselor) 
Observation Form (Instructional Specialist/Coach/TC)
Observation Form (Media Specialist)
Observation Form (Psychologist) 

Observation Form (Social Worker) 

Observation Form (Speech Pathologist) 

Evaluation Timelines   

Danielson Rubric (Teacher)
Rubric (Counselor)
Rubric (Instructional Specialist/Coach/TC)
Rubric (Media Specialist)
Rubric (Psychologist)

Rubric (Social Worker)

Rubric (Speech Pathologist)