Community Relations
Tasha Antoon
Communications Director
(586) 285-8911
Send Email
Opt-in for LSPS Text Messaging
Lake Shore Public Schools offers a texting service for parents and staff. The service allows our entire community to receive important information such as school reminders, safety alerts, school closings and more, directly from their school(s) on a mobile device. LSPS Parents and staff may opt in by texting “Y” or “Yes” to the short code 67587. You may opt out at any time by replying “Stop” to one of the messages.

District Videos
Inspiration, Innovation, Celebration Video
#IChooseLakeShore Video
Thank You
Conlon Installations
Tami Blaszkowski and her Video Productions Team
Stewart Fine Portraits
Ongoing Campaigns and Events
Activities with American House
Alumni Spotlight
Board Appreciation
Bucket List
Community Boos
Community Favorites
Community Photorama
Digital Talent Show
District ABC Book
Earth Day Cleanup
Employee Appreciation
Fitness with Seniors
Graduate Highlights
Gratitude Letters
Holiday Readings
Kindergarten Roundup
Lunch with a Hero
March is Reading Month
Mascot Mail
Mascot Election
Mental Health Matters Week
Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams
Open House
Operation Gratitude
Partners in Education
Photo Challenges
Seasonal Cleanup
Senior Postcards
Seniors Give Advice to Seniors
Shine on the Shores
Shorian for a Day
Slurpee/Smoothie Surprises
Then and Now
Tunnel of Lights
Veterans Day
Walk to School Day